This is a little late--but here are a few fun things Brandon finished his week at Preschool with.... He absolutely LOVED going to Preschool--there are days he still asks if he can go--and I have to remind him that it is over!! He is then OK with that because he answers me saying, "That's OK Mom, because I am a kindergartener now!" My oh My, my kids are growing up WAY too FAST!!!
Thursday, I got all my wisdom teeth pulled--well three out of the four!! I have to go backnext Thursday for the last one to get pulled!! I wanted to get all four done--but he could not get me numb and keep me numb on the bottom. The top two weren't bad--one came out great, the other one a root got caught, but he got it fairly easy. Then onto the bottom--UGH!!! The root was wrapped around the bone. I had already reached the maximum amount of anesthetic he couldgive me and it wasn't totally numb like it should have been--but he was already started so he had to finish. He ended up surgically removing the bottom one--sawing it in half and digging it out!! YUCK!! I wanted to cry-but I was a big girl and I toughed it out!! It didn't feel so HOT!! I was totally awake through it all--at that point I was really wishing I would have been put out--oh well!! I survived--well except I have to go back and get the last one out!! UGH!! I will be HAPPY after this Thursday--I will be oh soooo HAPPY to get rid of them ALL!! I guess my question is---why were we even born with such "DUMB" teeth that we don't use or need--and hello they are called 'Wisdom' teeth---NICE!!!
Tyler has played in four T-Ball games so far!! (Five more games to go!) This past weekend--Uncle Scotty had worked with Tyler on his swing--Troy and I are all for EVERYONE else trying to teach and help him--because when we try to--Tyler tells us he already knows how!! YIKES!! He is a little young for that attitude, isn't he!?! He was oh sooo excited to see Aunt Carol and Uncle Scotty show up for his game!! He was also THRILLED that Grandma and Grandpa came!! This was Grandpa's first game!! He LOVES when everyone comes to see him play!! He absolutely LOVES T-Ball!! He is one FUNNY BOY!! Thanks guys for taking your time to come and watch him--I know he appreciates it and we do too!!
Yup--it is OFFICIAL!!! School is OUT and Tyler is no longer a kindergaretner--he is now a FIRST grader---just ask him--he will be HAPPY to tell you!!! Brandon is the 'kindergartner' now!! SILLY kids!! I can't believe the school year is over and in three months I will have TWO kids in school!! YIKES!!! Crazy but EXCITING!!
Wednesday was Tyler's last day of school---his school put on a WONDERFUL Field Day for the kids!! There were lots of fun things for the kids to do and then they even fed everyone lunch!! After the field day--the kids all finished the day off by watching a movie in the gym--I snuck home during that! :)
"To you women of today, who are old or young, may I suggest to you that you write, that you keep journals, that you express your thoughts on paper. Writing is a great discipline. It is a tremendous education effort. It will assist you in various ways, and you will bless the lives of many--now and in the years to come, as you put on paper some of your experiences and some of your musings." --President Gordon B. Hinckley
I have enjoyed blogging--and have kind of turned it into our family journal!! When I read this quote from President Hinckley I was feeling guilty for not keeping a journal as often as I should--I hope maybe this blog counts for a little of that record!! :) I do need to do better in my journal department-I KNOW!! One more thing to 'get working on!'
Sunday.... I took a few pictures before church!! Cute and crazy kids!! Lynn and Debbie came over after church and we had a BBQ--the kids played out on the swing set and catch with Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Lynn. It was fun to spend time with them!! We then went over and visited Erik's grave in Payette. Our kids are all too young to remember when Erik passed away. On the way over we explained to Kara we were going to visit Erik's grave--she jumped out of the car and said, "I don't even see Erik-let's go!!" She has a cousin named Eric--she is obviously confused!! Monday... Some people got up and went skiing--Troy did not ski, but he went and took a few photos of those crazy people who tried skiing in the FREEZING water!! He came home and mowed the lawn and I cleaned the house!! We then went and told Robert and his kids good bye--they had to head back to Utah. It was really fun spending the weekend with the kids!! We had not seen them since New Years so the kids had a BLAST together!! They left and then Grandpa gave the kids a quick ride on the four wheeler. We then went home and had naps before the next adventure!! We went back over to Mom and Dad's for a BBQ--FUN TIMES!! We had a WONDERFUL weekend!! It was AWESOME to be able to spend time with our family!! We truly are BLESSED!!!
“Memorial Day is about much more than barbecues and long weekends,” Mayor Thomas M. Menino told a solemn crowd assembled at Mount Hope Cemetery in Mattapan yesterday.
“It’s about honoring the soldiers who left the comforts of their own homes to defend the nation we love and the freedoms we cherish. Our veterans have given us so much, and the very least we can do is honor their sacrifices.” FREEDOM definitely is NOT FREE!!! I am grateful to live in this beautiful Land of America and very THANKFUL for those who have fought for our country!! What a GREAT day to stop and remember ALL of the GREAT people who have passed on before us!!
"As you and I walk the pathway Jesus walked, let us listen for the sound of sandaled feet. Let us reach out for the Carpenter’s hand. Then we shall come to know Him. He may come to us as one unknown, without a name, as by the lakeside He came to those men who knew Him not. He speaks to us the same words, “Follow thou me,” and sets us to the task which He has to fulfill for our time. He commands, and to those who obey Him, whether they be wise or simple, He will reveal Himself in the toils, the conflicts, the sufferings that they shall pass through in His fellowship; and they shall learn in their own experience who He is."
We had the typical "Thompson" Birthday (nice and laid back)---hung out together as a little family and of course had some cake and ice cream!! Definitely had some FUN times and created some PRICELESS memories!!
It's doesn't matter where you go in life, it's who you have beside you that makes it worthwhile.
Our Growing Family.....
"Please don't nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Do not set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. Simply do what you can do in the best way you know, and the Lord will accept of your effort." Gordon B. Hinckley
Best of Friends...
All Because Two People Fell in LOVE...
“Marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other but, rather, with each encouraging and assisting the other in whatever responsibilities and aspirations he or she might have. In my judgment, the real essence of happiness in marriage lies not so much in romance as in an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one's companion. Thinking of self alone and of the gratification of personal desires will build neither trust, love, nor happiness. Only when there is unselfishness will love, with its concomitant qualities, flourish and blossom.” -President Gordon B. Hinckley
Tyler-5, Brandon-4, Kara-2 1/2, Emily-17 months, & Brooke-2 weeks old
"Oh, parents, we would plead, give good and happy memories to your children - not pampering or overindulging, not satisfying everything they fancy to - but memories of love, encouragement, of peace and harmony and happiness at home - memories that will bless and lift their lives wherever they are, always and forever." L. Tom Perry
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." Angela Schwindt
Times have CHANGED!!!!
Jesus loves EVERYONE!!
True Happiness...
NEVER a Dull Moment!!
"Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart." President Gordon B. Hinckley
Tyler~5 1/2 years old
Very EXCITED to be in FIRST Grade, Loves sounding words out, Enjoys playing outside, and helping Grandpa Brinkerhoff work on his BIG truck! Loves drinking Pop!
Brandon~4 1/2 years old
Is a BIG tease!! Can't wait to be in Kindergarten!! Loves holding and snuggling Brooke, Enjoys playing outside & riding his bike, and Loves going to Primary!
Best of Buds!!
Kara~3 years old
Loves looking at books, Enjoys being the BIG sister, Loves to play with her brothers, and Loves singing "I Am a Child of God!"
Emily~2 years old
Loves going bye bye, Is the best of buds with her Grandma Brinkerhoff, And is a little jealous of getting bumped from being the 'baby' of the family! LOVES playing outside with the BIG kids!!
Brooke~7 months
Loves to SNUGGLE, enjoys her baths, and did I already say LOVES LOVES to be snuggled!! Crawls & scoots everywhere!!
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything... they make the most of everything.
Our Three CUTE girls...
Watch Out!!!
"If we put God and Christ first, all other things will fall into their proper place or drop-out of our lives." Ezra Taft Benson
I am Blessed Because....
My Family is Healthy.
I live comfortably.
I know of my Savior and the Power of the Atonement.
I have the gospel in my life.
I have five BEAUTIFUL children to LOVE.
I have a family who loves me.
I can stay at home and take care of my kids.
I am warm when it is cold outside.
I am healthy and can take care of my family.
My Favorite Things
A clean house
Bedtime for the Kids
Being ALL together as a FAMILY
Getting a GOOD deal
Listening to my children laugh & play with each other
Mt. Dew
Rubbermaid Totes (trying to get organized)
Snuggling with my Children
Sunday Naps
Taking pictures of my kids
Talking to my Sister on the Phone
The smell of Baby Magic Lotion on my freshly bathed children
The way my husband takes care of our Family
Walmart & Costco
Something to Think About...
"The next time you're tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable." Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
The WHOLE Gang!!!
We love you Grandma & Grandpa!!!
The cousins.....
Families are FOREVER!!!
Cute Little Family......
Exactly a Week after Brooke's Birth!
My Goal....
“One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.” Thomas S. Monson