Loads of Fun at the Lake....


I took a few pictures before church!! Cute and crazy kids!! Lynn and Debbie came over after church and we had a BBQ--the kids played out on the swing set and catch with Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Lynn. It was fun to spend time with them!! We then went over and visited Erik's grave in Payette. Our kids are all too young to remember when Erik passed away. On the way over we explained to Kara we were going to visit Erik's grave--she jumped out of the car and said, "I don't even see Erik-let's go!!" She has a cousin named Eric--she is obviously confused!!

Some people got up and went skiing--Troy did not ski, but he went and took a few photos of those crazy people who tried skiing in the FREEZING water!!

He came home and mowed the lawn and I cleaned the house!! We then went and told Robert and his kids good bye--they had to head back to Utah. It was really fun spending the weekend with the kids!! We had not seen them since New Years so the kids had a BLAST together!! They left and then Grandpa gave the kids a quick ride on the four wheeler.

We then went home and had naps before the next adventure!! We went back over to Mom and Dad's for a BBQ--FUN TIMES!!

We had a WONDERFUL weekend!! It was AWESOME to be able to spend time with our family!! We truly are BLESSED!!!
Wow - I am tired after just seeing what all you did in a weekend! Looks like so much fun. Wish we could have been there with you! Thanks for posting the pictures of Erik's grave....I loved them....but of course, they made me tear up! I loved Kara's comment about not seeing Erik..too funny!
Good stuff - can't wait to have some of those pics! - It was a fun weekend! We love being so close to such great family!
What a fun weekend. It looks like you guys did a lot and had a ton of fun! Very sweet about not seeing Erik! Kids are so sweet!
Looks like a fun and busy weekend! Thanks for coming to visit yesterday, have a good weekend!
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