Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Monday, January 26, 2009

Squatty Brooke......

Uncle John is famous for getting babies to 'stand' in the palm of his hand. Some people of course freak out, but it is quite cute!! Friday night he tried it out on Brooke, but she refused to stand up--she just sat there and was content as can be!!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Mary oh my gosh, i am so happy you found my blog. i wasn't on it for quite awhile but just started back up. how are you guys? we do need to get together absolutely!!! i was just thinking of you the other day, and wondering how life for you was going, it looks very busy but good. i am so happy that we are going to be able to stay in touch.