Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Monday, January 26, 2009

Simple Lunch Entertainment....

The other day at lunch the kids all started being goofy and very silly (I know that surprises those of you who know my children.) Tyler then asked me to take a picture of them--they LOVE getting their pictures taken--fun for me!! :) They were playing peek a boo with Emily because she got such a kick out of it!! It was quite funny!!

Cute Miss Emily (I LOVE her smile)

Kara was having a BLAST!!

Tyler was chowing down!!

Mr. Brandon~with the CUTEST smile ever!!

I see you Kara!!

Emily joined in the FUN!!

Where's EMILY?!?!

Emily was laughing so hard here--it was hilarious!!!

Peek a BOO!!!

Emily's CUTE LITTLE hands--just because!! They look so sweet!!

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