Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Routine PAYS OFF!!!

Yesterday we had lunch and then I was finishing a project I had started. Emily ate and then I washed her and she got down from her high chair. I hurriedly completed my project. Brandon and Emily were back in her bedroom playing with toys (I thought). Brandon came in and said, "Mom, who put Emily in bed?" I said, "No one-- I am on my way right now to." He then said, "She is in bed already!" I walk back there and this is what I see....

Emily knows, after lunch is nap time---she was NOT going to wait for me!! She crawled into her little portable crib and off to sleep she went!! What a SWEET girl!! Guess getting up at 6:30 each morning, makes a two year old tired!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That is so funny. I'm so jealous! I don't think Crew would ever just go get in bed by himself. He's just out of control. But it does go to show that routines are SO important for kiddos!