Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Monday, March 16, 2009

Quick Little Get Away...

Troy had to go to McCall Sunday and pick a machine up for work. He had the Ecolab Pickup--so not much room was in it! Brooke has been sick and I did not want to take her to church and infect everyone there, so I was going to stay home and just send the other kids. Troy suggested that I ride up to McCall with him. We pawned Tyler, Brandon, and Kara off to Grandma and Grandpa's and Emily to Aunt Carol and Uncle Scotty and we took Brooke with us!! THANK YOU GUYS!!! :)

We left at 12:30 and got home around 5--so it was a nice and quiet ride up to McCall. The kids were still able to go to church and we picked them up shortly after it was over!!

I was very bummed--I forgot my camera so I just had my handy dandy cell phone camera--so the pictures are not much, but better than nothing I guess!!
Brooke slept the ENTIRE way up there!! What a good baby!!

Here is a picture of our trip up there--through the window and going 55 miles per hour!! SORRY!!

We of course did not make the trip without the necessities!!!

These were our roads!! Troy kept saying, "Good thing I am the son of a SAFETY man!" Oh, isn't he FUNNY!!!

Brooke's little Stash!!

Good ole Snowy McCall, Idaho -- it was coming down pretty good!!

Our fancy ride!!!

Troy getting his work done!!

Easy does it!!

Bye Bye McCall--our work is done--homeward bound!!

Brooke was sooo good the ENTIRE trip!!

Fancy bit of scenery we enjoyed!! Troy thought he was pretty funny!! Every time I tried to take a picture--he either turned the windshield wipers on or swerved just enough to mess me up!! Just so ya know my cell phone camera does not have an image stablizer on it!! :)

Betcha that water is pretty chilly!!!

Brooke loved just staring out the window!!

Here we are after our FUN little adventure together!!

Thanks Mom, Dad, Carol, and Scott for taking the kids for us!! Troy and I had a GREAT time together!!


sromriell said...

I'm glad you guys got to have a nice little trip together - sometimes that is the funnest time - I am sorry you didn't have any DPepsi - that would have made the trip a little more bright!!:) You know it is true-Love you

Anonymous said...

Making it difficult for you to take pictures - sounds like something Jeff would do!

Holly said...

How fun to be able to get away on a little road trip! Isn't it great to have family so close, I don't know what I'd do without mine!

Unknown said...

That's it Mary! You're grounded!!!! Two weeks. No tv, no texting, and no talking on the phone. ESPECIALLY to my mother. she has other things to do. Like go to Wal Mart and getting me Twilight. Oh yeah. And you are not aloud to go to Wal Mart either. Troy can go for you :)