Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Brooke Did It!!

Brooke was as happy as can be just playing on the floor this morning!!
She was just squealing and screeching!!
Kara even gave Brooke her PINK bunny to play with while she was eating breakfast. I was in the kitchen feeding the other kids and all of a sudden I could tell Brooke was upset. She wasn't crying, but from her squealing---I could tell she was MAD!!!
I walked in and here she is...

She ROLLED over!! Man oh Man--she is getting too BIG!!!

She could NOT get her arm out and she was NOT happy!! I of course had to take a picture before I helped her!! :)

1 comment:

dianeb said...

she is getting WAY to big! - love the picture of the toy in the pocket!