About an hour later, the phone rings and Tyler asks me if he can bring home a strap!! Immediately, the words 'black, dirty, grease" ran through my mind and I told him we will have to see. They were old dirty, gross straps Dad didn't need any longer---GROSS!!! Tyler is a very particular boy and he keeps his toys FOREVER---so it is not like he could bring it home and play with it for a few hours and then I could dispose of it while he's not watching-he's not that type!! I told him he could play with at Grandpa's for now and we will see about bringing it home!!
When Troy got home from his meeting in Twin, we went over to get Tyler and there he was playing with a brand spankin new strap!! Can you say "SPOILED BOY?!" Tyler was in heaven just playing away with this yellow strap--he couldn't have been happier!! Grandpa found a clean one for Tyler to take home and play with! Tyler was ELATED!!
Yes so this was our evening last night---the boys kept to themselves and played away!! Tyler has already chosen his hiding place for this 'cool strap' while he is in school so the 'little' kids do NOT touch it!!! THANKS GRANDPA!!
Tyler was sooooo excited!! He said, "Now I am just like Grandpa!! I have my OWN strap!!"
Who knows how many times this thing was unrolled last night?! It was a great babysitter! :) Emily in the back--running on the couch! NICE!!
Brandon played with his fishing pole---so they both had a strap to 'hook' things to!! At one point Emily was his dog and she was hooked to the pole and they were running WILD!! The giggles were hilarious!! :)
Once again, rolling it up 'perfectly' so he can unroll it again!!
Unrolled again and playin away!!
and we buy toys because?!?!
Done for the night---all rolled up and ready to go 'hide' it in its 'special' spot!! Thanks Grandpa---Tyler is THRILLED!!!
1 comment:
It's amazing the things that fascinate kids and hold their attention, they can be so happy with the simplest things. Our boys always want to play with the diaper boxes and that occupies them for HOURS!
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