We left the Mall at noon, so of course the kids were HUNGRY!! They wanted pizza, so we decided to do our regular ritual---Little Caesars Pizza and find a play ground--Eat and Play!! We decided it was cold enough, we just ate in the car---the kids are getting pretty good at that--they are much more confined and Troy doesn't get so stressed out!! He is funny--he thinks we are the only ones with loud, obnixious children.
So anyway, we ate and then I got out with the kids and they played for about 10 minutes and they were ready to get in the car and WARM UP!! We are bad parents--the kids all just had sweatshirts on-thinking we were just going from the car to the Mall and then home--we didn't mess with COATS!! OOoops--not very prepared!! The wind started blowing and it really did get cold--YUCK!!! We are ready for SPRING!!! It was quite nice, I didn't even have to ask them to get in the car, they asked me!! VERY UNUSUAL when we are at a playground!! I had fun shooting pictures of them--just random ones---here they are......
(None of Brooke--she snuggled with Troy in the car)
Brandon & Tyler on top of the slide!
Silly Kara!
Kara havin FUN!!
Cute Miss Emily!!
Brandon~when I see this I just think~~BRRRrrrrrr!!!
I would walk away and Kara would yell, "Take more pictures of me MOM!!"
Emily runnin WILD!!!
Kara was loving EVERY minute of this little photo shoot!!
Emily and the wind starting picking up---nice pony tails!!
CUTE Kara!!
Emily not liking the idea the swing moves!!
Not real sure, but I think she wants out!
Emily really NOT impressed--I LOVE IT!!
Kara---cute as a BUTTON!!
Tyler joining in on the fun!!
Tyler wanted a picture with his hat OFF!!
Kara in ACTION!!!
Quick little pose!!
Can you tell it is COLD outside!!
OK~We are COLD and ready to get in the car with Brooke and get WARM!!!
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