Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Things That Make Me SMILE.....

~I am able to stay home with my five beautiful children, while my husbands works
~It's going to get warmer-eventually
~I get to go to the temple with the Brinkerhoff Family this Saturday--(Megan is getting sealed to Scott & Carol)
~Kara told me thanks for making her hair pretty
~Tyler just got down from the table and carried his dishes over to the sink without being asked
~Brandon ALWAYS says 'Thank You' when getting down from the table
~We live so close to awesome family and friends
~I have a wonderful husband whose first concern is always our FAMILY
~I went to get Brooke out of her bed and she looked up to me with the BIGGEST grin---I LOVE THAT GIRL!!
~It is almost 10:00 a.m. and Emily is still in bed
~We have cold Mt. Dew in the Refrigerator-I really need to quit that stuff
~Our family is happy & healthy
~I am caught up on my laundry
~Tyler & Brandon both put their pajamas away this morning and didn't just leave them in the middle of the floor
~Tyler, Brandon, & Kara are back in their bedroom playing and I hear NO screaming or fighting
~I know what I am making for dinner
~We have been blessed like CRAZY
~Best of All~I have a wonderful husband and five beautiful & energetic children


Jamie said...

Great list. You are amazing...and always very organized and always happy!

Dana Williams said...

I used to have a Mt. Dew addiction, too.