Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Who?

So with the whole Inauguration going on today, I was talking to the kids how we have a new President of the United States today. Tyler said, "Ya, he the President of the United States, not the Church." We had that discussion during the election, explaining the difference. During dinner tonight, Tyler said, "How long is President Broccoli going to be President?" I guess Barack and Broccoli--sound pretty similar. I then explained his actual name is President Barack Obama and we talked a little bit about this historical day. Tyler simply said, "Oh," and walked off. It was a fun little teaching moment--kids are funny!!!


Holly said...

What a funny boy! Now I'll always think 'President Broccoli' when I see him!

Di Cluff said...

I like that, we have a new president Broccli! Do you recall the president who wouln't eat Broccli? Now we have one.