Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Make you SMILE.......

Here are a few updates on Brooke---

She is three months old already!! YIKES!! Sometime I would really like to stop the clock and keep her little for LONGER!! Time really is going by too fast!! She enjoys sitting in her bouncy and watching the other kids play!! She is beginning to try to talk--Tyler, Brandon, and Kara get a kick out of her when she tries to talk!! She really is beginning to SMILE a LOT!! The last two days she has been sucking on her hand--like she is trying to find her thumb--I wish she would--the whole pacifier thing is A PAIN--she would always have her thumb and Emily could not run off with that!! She watches her hands wave in front of her and it is very entertaining!!

I love her smile here with her mouth wide open!!

Too CUTE for words!!

Brandon really really LOVES Brooke and ALWAYS watches out for her. She can be crying and he is in the other room--he will stop playing and come running in to bounce her in her chair to make her stop crying! He is VERY SWEET with her!

Brandon is a SWEET Big Brother!!

Brandon--the first to find Brooke's Binky and comfort her! What a BIG helper!

Simply Sweet!!

Yes, this is the same Brandon that teases and bugs everyone else until they are in tears!! HE LOVES BROOKE!!

Brandon runs to Brooke and says, "Don't cry, Brandon is here!" I love it-he really can be very sweet!! Brooke LOVES Brandon!! I hope they stay good friends!


Holly said...

How nice to have so many great helpers! Kamden kept looking at the picture of Brandon kissing Brooke and he'd say "Ew, gross!" I guess he's already figured out that girls (even babies) have "cooties" :)

Jamie said...

That is so precious. I love how Brandon has such a connection with her.....and I don't know how you got such a smilie baby. You have so many good pictures of her smiling

Puterbaughs said...

That is soooooooo Sweet!