Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The other day Tyler was at school and Brandon was off helping Grandpa Brinkerhoff on the "big" truck, so I just had the three girls!! It was pretty quiet and rather nice for a change. Kara and Emily played great together. Emily loved playing with Kara. When the boys are here, Kara is usually playing with them, leaving Emily to just kind of follow. Kara asked me to take a picture of her holding Brooke, so I put the three together and we had a little fun!!

Kara & Emily

Brooke (7 1/2 weeks), Kara (almost 3 years old), and Emily (18 months)

Cute lil 'Em'

Brooke & Kara

Friends FOREVER!!

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